Monday, August 13, 2007

Kimora Lee Simmons lives in the fab lane...

...And I wanna be just like her!

For the past two weekends, I've been glued to my TV at 8 p.m. Sunday watching the Style Network for my new favorite show, Kimora: Life in the fab lane.

I thought I was going to hate it. I thought she was going to be a bossy, manipulative super-diva with no regard for anyone but her fabulous self.

I was wrong. Well, she is bossy. And a diva. But she is so fabulous.

The thing I love most about her? The fact that she does everything with those two little adorable girls by her side. Going over the final version of the KLS Barbie? She asks them for their opinion. Picking out a dress to wear to the Vanity Fair party? She gives the girls the extra fabric from one of her dresses and they parade around, pretending to be extra fierce like their mama.

I used to dislike Kimora because I read once that she had a nanny and she was proud of it. But looking at her life now, it would be almost impossible to do half the things she does now if she didn't have a full-time nanny.
Even with a nanny, she struggles and shows that beneath the fabulous clothes and fabulous cars, and fabulous jewelry, there's a mom who still wants to give her children the best she can.
My favorite moment of the show so far? When her girls made their mom some cake and left it out with a note saying how much they loved her. Kimora had been complaining the whole show how she was on a diet and she was hungry and she had to be a size 2. But when she saw what her kids did for her, she scarfed it down without a second thought. Loved it.
So despite what I previously thought about Kimora, I have to give her props on handling her business. Especially with the babies.


Quick said...

...yea i saw that episode; i didn't think she would actually eat the Ms. J would say, "it looked busted". This is like my secret obsession. lol Shhh..don't tell anyone-

Zmoney said...

just got to love a strong woman =D

Mimi Kawaii said...

I love her show.