Thursday, May 10, 2007

Random thoughts from a soon-to-be college graduate...

* Sometimes I wonder if I'm prepared for life after graduation. I like my current position, but like my friend Courtney said, I like knowing how my life is going to be mapped out for the next 15 weeks. I like the security of having a set schedule that I designed. I've been struggling with the change to work, but I think I'm getting the hang out it. Time will tell on how well I do...

*With my graduation, daughter's christening, wedding, etc, coming up within the next 30 days (can someone please tell me why I thought having all these life events at one time was a good idea??) I feel like I'm running in circles some days. I really can't wait for my honeymoon, so I can just kick back and relax. Lord only knows the next time I'll be able to do that.

*I have a serious junk-food habit that I need to kick. The hubby brought home some Swiss Cake Rolls and I immediately wanted to eat the whole box, even though I know I always feel like crap afterward. But my wedding is motivation for me to leave the junk alone! I even have pictures of thin brides all over my kitchen. (Although honestly, I don't even see them anymore and look right past them when reaching for the fattening

*I've been considering quitting blogging just because I honestly don't have the time to devote to it like I should. If I do something, I don't want to do it half-assed. I want it to be the best. I want to be able to post every day, not just throwing something up there like I've been doing this week. But I'm not sure yet. Maybe after the wedding my life will calm down a bit and I can continue. But if not, I'll be sure to let you know!


Anonymous said...

You can always take a blogging break if you need to. You have so many huge events coming soon- congratulations on each and every one of them! We'll be here waiting whenever you have time to return :)

Anonymous said...

Half-assed blogging is fine, especially when a person is working as hard as you in every other aspect of life.