Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New developments

As the days until the little one arrive are winding down, I have been busy working on a few articles for my current "baby," Today the November/December issue launches and I have three pieces running on the site.

First, if you click on the upper-left hand picture on the home page, you will get a chance to read my interview with Angela Burt-Murray, editor of Essence magazine, as we talk about how she balances work and motherhood.

Then I have a shorter item on the top books for moms-to-be and new mothers. I also have a piece on transitioning back to work after maternity leave. So....if you head over to, you can see what I've been up to.

Until next time!

1 comment:

Charreah said...

love the Angela story!!! You ladies really make me feel like I can have it all.