Tuesday, July 11, 2006


This new blog will be all about the art of the self-promotion.

So this is me. If I'm going to try to sell myself to the vast world of mass media, I need to have an image. A brand, if you will. So what, you ask, is the "Tara" brand?

To be honest, I'm not totally sure yet. But I'm only 20. I have time. What I do know is that I got into this business because I have always believed that words could change things. I always believed that a single voice, a single article, a single issue of a magazine had the power to change someone's life. I wanted to be that change, to be the person who put the words in your hands or before you eyes on the computer screen.

I admit, it sounds very noble (although cliche) of me.

But that's not all of me. I'm motivated beyond belief, always thinking of new ways to get ahead and stay there. Ask any of my friends who was voted "Most Likely To Succeed" in high school and they'll tell you. Wait...actually that wasn't me.

But the "Tara" brand is one of intense passion, ambition and talent. This blog will highlight the ups and downs of my young career and I hope you'll enjoy the ride.

As of right now, I am the Associate Editor of MahoganyBaby.com, the premier website for mothers of color. And seeing as how I will soon be a "mother of color," the timing couldn't be more appropriate.

The site is still a baby, with many of its best years ahead of it. We need to get the word out about the site. If you're reading this and you are a black mother, go over to www.mahoganybaby.com and check it out. If you know a black woman who is expecting, tell her to go over to www.mahoganybaby.com and check out out pregnancy and birth channel, full of information she'll need to get the most out of the next 40 weeks.

But whatever you do, make sure you support me by going to www.mahoganybaby.com and giving it a look. Email me at Tara.Pringle@gmail.com with any suggestions about the site.


1 comment:

Clark Kent said...

I likes, I likes. Right now, you're the only person who I know is an expecting "mother of color"... But for those 20-somethings out there who are in a situation that is different than yours -- is there anything that lends a supportive word to aid their cause?